Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hello Blog, your author is terrible

Hi there, any and all loyal readers. Have you given up on me, wondered if I threw my computer out the window and moved again? Maybe we are Facebook friends, and you follow me there, but continue to wonder why there are no new posts, no new photos of my growing children, no new crazy stories to share. For those of you who know me and read my blog and have not given up on me, know that I always have a story to share. It seems these days I have had a few moments to check email, Facebook statuses and comments and my bank account and pay bills, and devoted no time to my blog, except to make a new background (did anyone notice??)

I have been reading several blogs and even a movie involving blogging and food (Julie and Julia) and it made me think of my neglected blog. I read the Pioneer Woman and wonder how a mother of 4, who home-schools and maintains her household, assists her family with farm life can write about her life, cook fab food I love and write about that too; take amazing photos (something I need to work on!) and get it all down online. And then there was Julie Powell who blogged for a year and cooked amazing food too. I am awaiting a great gift of Miss Ree's cookbook for a beloved friend, and was thinking maybe I could adapt the same concept Julie has with Julia Child and cook my way through Ree's book. She loves butter, as do I. And it would require me to speak out to you all (my loyal readers) on a daily basis.

Or I could get off my duff and require a half hour of my day go towards blogging. Posting photos for loved ones and dear friends to catch up with us and our lives. Still might cook my way through the Pioneer Woman cook book and Southern Living cookbook- this is presently on my night stand, I flip through it at night and think of the great future dishes I will make.

So, even though I have said I will blog more in the past, I am making it my new goal to blog more NOW. I also have a list of people to reconnect with, just send them a note to let them know I was thinking of them or the impact they had on my life and continue to have. And to top that off, I have this great idea to share with my close college friend a kind of Hallmark- like book- one that share stories of our friendship and is sent to each of them, like a card to read and then share their stories of each other. This is something I have been stewing over for some time now and again, have to get off my duff and do it.

My new moto is to Get Motivate and Act on Your Thoughts- touch a live in a new and special way. Next I have to put deadlines to everything, treat it like a job and it seems I take on more ownership in it and leave less room for excuses.

Well, I have rambled enough, get ready readers, I hope to not disappoint.


KMOSS said...


And I thought you just decided blogging was SO 2009.

Nicola said...

Not so much, I think it is making it's comback for 2010... just been lazy, but no more excuses!

Donald said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah; admit it, being that close to Lowe's and Target ate your blogging time... :) I'm glad to know that you've adjusted to life in St. Louis. Nice deer, too!

Nicola said...

Donald I have checked your blog from time to time and have read the same post! What is your excuse, I bet it is those growing boys that keep you away from blog time, as do mine. Will be in California next month to see my grandmother, might make it over your way.

Anonymous said...

Yea!!! Your back! I can't wait to see what you write.

Please share the blogs that you read daily. I may want to start checking then out too.

Anonymous said...

very nice blog you have!