Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's raining....

Rain- it has wreaked havoc on so many lives and home, farmland, livestock, businesses, historic places- people have had to make tough decisions to intentionally flood farm land to save towns, the Mississippi River is over 3 miles wide is some areas- close to Greenville, Ms where we used to live.
Farmers I have talked to have seen either excess rain or none- it is such a extreme. But isn't ever season. Tornadoes have touched down in locations they commonly don't make contact with, while others have had the velocity and force to tear apart towns and take lives.
Pretty heavy stuff for a Saturday morning....need my coffee, post later might be a little lighter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi friend...was so good cathcing up with you last saturday. Can't believe it was already a week ago! I look forward to hearing more from you and seeing more of you once you are all settled in, content and rested. You have a beautiful family!! Love ya, Bo