Thursday, April 14, 2011

Which list wins

I have two listing going in my house, one is my to do list for all the things to do around the house, with three days at home (working) I can spend some time sorting clothes, organizing, replanting plants, laundry, cleaning the fridge, meal prep and so on, however I have this other list, the work list- of pending projects that need my attention or focus.

I can give my work list it's attention when Luke is either sleeping or after the kids go to bed. With Kyle out of town most weeks, this has worked to my advantage, and I have been trying to cramp three days of stay at home work into two days so Friday can be our official play day.

Needless to say, all the work is getting done, even craved some time for a quick workout today, and yesterday Luke and I walked the neighborhood, so the exercise list is getting some checks by it!!!
Tonight I hope to get in the hours I want for this week of work, and then settle in for a Friday filled with lots of fun, and nothing to check or mark off a list!


Anonymous said...

yay fun for you. soory if I just randomly comment whatever was on my mind.

Anonymous said...

sorry again with my bad spelling soory.