Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Winter is coming

I would like to deny it, and forget that I live in South Dakota where is snows in the fall and winter, but again, this morning I am in awe of the freezing rain and pending snow.

Right now I have big flakes of snow falling outside my office window and it calls me home to make a big pot of stew or chili, snuggle up with a warm blanket and a good book for the afternoon. Not the case, instead, I slug away at work and worry about the weather tomorrow as I travel to Kansas City with two other co-workers. Hopefully, this will pass sooner than later.

I live in a Winter Wonderland and need to appreciate it. I think it is living near the coast for the first 18 years of my life that have me torn for warmer, milder weather. Some day I will adapt, or we will move. :)

Oh and this is funny, last night I am yelling at dear (in my car) to not cross the street and slow down til they see me and make the right decision to not cross or connect with my car on the road. Dear are beautiful creatures, just not very smart, but it is not there fault that their eyes are not closer together to have better vision to see what is directly in front of them.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

wow- i cannot believe it is snowing there!! i have on short sleeves. . .cough. . .cough