Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

It was a good day. A busy day, but a fun one.
We started off the morning with Sunday School- which had a teacher's appreciation event, as a teacher I got a super cool daily scripture calendar and one of my student's gave me a awesome cross and sweet note. We celebrated with muffins and watermelon- yummo.
Next was church- we found a pew that had plenty of room for Ella, Kyle and I. It was a really good sermon and Ella regular goes to the children's moment by herself at the front of the church with the other kids. She always tries to sit so she can see us and yesterday gave us the thumbs up sign. It was really cute.

After church we headed home and Ella announced we were to have a picnic one the porch outside, so we heated up our meals and sat outside on the covered deck. It was fun and she was so proud of herself.

Later, Kyle started the makings of his famous pheasant gumbo for our friends to try later that afternoon. Ella took a nap and I worked on some small house projects. 

We had friends over to sample the gumbo- which they all liked and then Kyle went to the local car races with our friends for the evening. Ella and I headed to the park for some fun time and then treated ourselves to some Dairy Queen. Figure I might as well enjoy the ice cream now, won't be ordering for myself after Junior gets here. 

We settled in for the night and I watched "Brothers & Sisters." 

Overall, a very nice Mother's Day- lots of fun stuff with family and friends! Hope all you moms out there had a great day too.

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