Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Holding it

Ella is potty trained, but with that has come some interesting times. Here are a few that will make you smile:
• "Mom I have to go"- In the grocery store with a pile of groceries and not sure where the bathrooms are. We drop everything and seek them out. Success.
• Running errands around town and Kyle and Ella sit in the car while I get the dry cleaning, as I walk out I see Ella and Kyle chatting, only to find out, once in the car, that she had to go, or already went. Two year olds do not understand "holding it."
• Visited the resturant bathroom a total of 6 times over the course of a hour and half. I think several tables were wondering what the deal was with us. What was I suppose to say "My daughter really likes the bathroom!" Instead I just look forward and smile.
• "MOM- I have to pee." Yelling at me for the fifth time after I have put precious to bed! I am thinking it is a plea to get out of bed and hang out. No she really has to go. Success and then a request for water-I am not helping the problem, am I?

But overall, it is nice to not have to change diapers for a while!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh joy...the things that I get to look forward to.